Friday, December 23, 2016

Residential Schools

Residential schools reach the height of historical significance. The horrible, damaging effects of the schools didn't just the people that went to them, they transcended generations, being passed on and on, affecting thousands of Native Americans nationally.

How Residential Schools Affected:

          Parents of Children Attending: Had no way to stay in contact with their children and suffered the devastating effects of separation. The parents had to deal with the total lack of input in the care and welfare of their children which was highly stressful for them especially when they became aware of the abuse going on at the schools.

          Children Attending: The children were fully stripped of their native languages and culture and were punished if they were found practicing them. They were often abused and they were also subjected to long hours of work and chores. Children were raised without the love that parents provide for them. 

          Children and Grandchildren of the Children from Residential Schools: Feelings of alienation, shame and anger were passed down through parenting because of the lack of supportive parental figures that the people in the schools had. These individuals would often be abused and that does not leave a good foundation for healthy mental health. 

Wednesday, December 14, 2016

louis riel (this reminds me off)

Louis riel was a bilingual metis man. he also was the founder of Manitoba born 22 October 1844 in Saint-Boniface, Red River Settlement died 16 November 1885 in Regina SK Riel led two popular Métis governments, was central in bringing Manitoba into Confederation and was executed for high treason for his role in the 1885 resistance to Canadian encroachment on Métis lands. Riel was initially dismissed as a rebel by Canadian historians, although many now sympathize with Riel as a Métis leader who fought to protect his people from the Canadian government.  this reminds of the time my grandparents told me the story about my ancestor he fought beside Louis riel in the resistance they told me that he was hung just like Louis riel. I'm very interested in Louis riel because I am metis and he was my hero as a kid when my grandparents use to tell me story's about him.
Image result for louis riel resistance
 Picture     J.S Woodsworth. (October 21 2016) Uploaded by Wikipedia. Available at .

Wilfred Laurier Twitter Post

The prime minister and the newspaper boy(2002). Uploaded by Library and Archives Canada . Can be found online @:

Tuesday, November 29, 2016

fake snapchat
John A

John A. Macdonald's Portrait

John A. Macdonald, Montreal, 1863. 2011. William Notman McCord Museum, Montreal, Notman Photographic Archives. 

This is Louis

9th annual Louis Riel Celebration.Uploaded by Regina Riel Metis Council (2014). Can be found online at:

John A. Tweet

Sir John A. Macdonald.(1996-2016). Uploaded by Toronto Star Newspaper. Available online at:

in the new of social struture

In todays news we are going to be talking about social structure and how some families are same and different. Some families are extended a extended family have the children grandparents aunts/uncles and their cousins and sometime mom and dad. There are also clans its a number of people who make up a community or who exist with in a bigger group. clans determined by:
the common ancestry( human animal)
depending on the group, you followed your mom (maternal) or dad (paternal) clan line. This leads to the community size for the community size it depended on the availability of resource's to ensure enough food and shelter and the safety if there is a lot of resource's then that means there are going to be more people. This could change during the season to for an example many Blackfoot nations lived in smaller clans in the winter. When the seasons get nicer they rejoin up again for hunting bison in the summer. The men and women have different roles and this will take us to the gender roles. The woman did the organizing, prepared games, planted harvest the crops. The men did the hunting and defending the group, negotiated relationship with the other groups. the roles were also flexible: everyone could to everything like men could do the organizing and the stuff that the girls did. the girls are the same way they could do the stuff that the guys did. It al deepened on the tradition.
now we are going to be going to the past witch are the elders they are recognized for having the most knowledge and the wisdom. to doesn't matter with it was male or female younger or older. They have the most experience they are the natural leader who teaches by example a lot of people in the community turn to these people on a daily bases. the elders are greatly respected. well now we are going to be talking about what everyone needs is an education the children learn by doing and were taught by the entire community. The whole community are expected to know their group's past, spiritual ideas and practical skills the education was meant to guide the children; not to tell them what to do. Everyone interprets things differently, makes their own choices and learn from their mistakes.

Monday, November 28, 2016

the news of the pemmican prolamation and the pemmican wars

In today’s news we are going to be talking about the pemmican proclamation and the pemmican wars. In the pemmican proclamation the metis were the main suppliers of the pemmican for the NWC. It was also the main economic resource then the Selkirk settlers were still trying to adjusting the “NEW WORLD” that they were living in. They had really poor crops and food shortage to. Governor of the Selkirk colony Miles MacDonnell made an order that they were banning the export of any food from the red river valley this included the metis pemmican this really hurt the metis trade and the NWC traders to but this was order to design to ensure that the Selkirk settlers had food. This somewhat caused a war and this is how we got the Pemmican wars. The metis blamed the settlers that caused fighting between the two groups the fur trader's started to attack the pemmican stores for the metis. Everything like the equipment, horses and the crops were destroyed and the settlers were threatened in the end.

Sunday, November 27, 2016

On the Other Side of the Red River Rebellion

   After Manitoba entered Confederation  by signing the Manitoba act in July 15 1870, many thought life for the Metis would of gotten better. However things only got worse. New settlers came into Manitoba, and without the government immediately protecting or giving metis land rights like they promised to do, many of the new residents took there own claim leaving the Metis with less. This would make anyone mad, and it resulted in a lot of people, who originally lived on the land, moving west. Eventually more settlers went west to, which again resulted with the same metis moving even farther west. This happened again, and with the metis outraged they decided to fight against the government, an event know as as the North West or Red River rebellion.
   There were also several other reasons for the rebellion, like extreme racism against the Metis. The rebellion also consisted of Aboriginal people, mad at their treatment as well, and the decedents of former HBC workers known as the country born. But when you think of the red river rebellion you think of Metis, and thats the group I want to focus on.
   The Metis had never been treated fairly even though they had contributed so much to the fur trade, an important event in Canada's history. They were left out of all government deals, which enraged the whole Metis community every time it happened.
   If you know anything bout Manitoba's confederation you should think of one man, Louis Riel. A hero to the Metis, but a traitor to the government. Why? Well first he lead Manitoba into confederation, but then he lead the Metis rebellion. The rebellion resulted in lives lost on both sides, and a huge headache for Canada's government. in the end, he was tried and hung for highest treason. But was it so?
   Louis Riel had only stood up for what he believed in. He had not tried to overthrown the government, only made them aware of the issues facing the Metis. The government of course disagreed and had him killed. They failed to realize that they were mistreating the Metis, and how hard life would of been for them.
   Louis Riel, through the eyes of the government, was a evil traitor to the nation. He had never wanted to harm anyone though, he just happened to walk the path he did because that was the one he believed lead to better results. Did it? We will never know for sure, but i think the rebellion was a better choice. If they didn't fight and walked a peaceful path, I don't think the government would of cared as much and the Metis would of ended up with less.
  Another view we often fail to see these event through is that of the first natives. The first natives were also receiving horrible treatment from the government. Their people were starving because of the poor rations they received from the government. They had treaties and land from the government, but life was hard on the first Nations. The Red River rebellion is a fight thought of being between the Metis and the Government, but lots of people don't know that the first Nations were involved too. Angry for there poor treatment, once they heard that the Metis were rebelling they joined in. They robbed stores for food and supplies and fought against police, and thing would of been way bloodier if it weren't for First Native leaders who interfered because they believed in a peaceful rebellion.

Wednesday, November 23, 2016

George Brown Twitter Tweet

Websites that I used:
-Simitator. (year unknown) website founder unknown.
-George Brown. (year unknown) Historica Canada

Great Coalition

- A temporary alliance between political parties
- in the best interest of the citizens
the French and English finally made peace

Investigating the Rebellions
the Durham report looked at the causes of the rebellions and they also were getting investigated by Britain
upper and lower Canada should be united under one governmental body
Britain should reduce its influence over the colonies and they should govern themselves
The French Canadians should be assimilated into British society

Act of Union
passed by Britain in 1841
based on Durham assimilation recommendation
 combined upper and lower Canada
they worked on the governmental system
what they also did is that they officially made English the main language

Robert Baldwin
-Canada West(English)
1840 granted pardons the rebels

Louis Lafontain
Canada west(French)
1840 granted pardons for the rebels

George brown
by the 1860s the colition could not stand against large scale demographic changes
advocated rep by pop

John A. macdonald
the new coalition
opposed rep by pop
provincial representation
influenced by the catholic church and French ideal

@John A.