Tuesday, December 20, 2016

Wilfred Laurier Tagxedo

Website: http://www.thecanadianencyclopedia.ca/en/article/sir-wilfrid-laurier/
Image: Sir Wilfrid Laurier. (2016). Uploaded by Photographs of Prominent People. Available at: http://www.warmuseum.ca/firstworldwar/objects-and-photos/photographs/photographs-of-prominent-people/sir-wilfrid-laurier/


  1. The details you used, colour wise makes this picture definitely interesting and eye catching. I noticed that you used a lot of words that are related to the personal life of Wilfred Laurier, it's nice to see. Most people just talked primarily on his social and governmental side. Some of the words are repeated in the picture, but it's alright. I like the idea of the dates in there too, I just wish I knew exactly what the dates were. The colours you show work great together and the picture is really readable, it's awesome. If you don't know about Wilfred Laurier, it's hard to understand this, but if you do know then it's really unique.

    1. A website that helped me really clarify any issues I was having was Wikipedia. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/George_Brown. I was also wondering what significance the different months were?


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