Saturday, September 30, 2017

In Today's News

Well in todays class we learned about the social structure of the first nations people of Canada. first in our notes we were taught about the clans and how they worked.

 Clan :A clan is a group of people who exist in a larger area. Clans are usually determined by a common ancestor and where they live. Some groups fallow there moms (maternal) or dads (paternal) line.

Size: The size of these clans is determined by the availability of resources to make sure there enough food, shelter and water if there's a lot of resources means that there would be a bigger community. The size of the clans also depend on the season. For ex) "Many Blackfoot nations lived in small community for the summer because there wasn't a lot of resources for all of them and in the summer they would all become one massive community to make buffalo hunting more successful.

Gender roles: the gender roles of the First Nations were flexible me ahh you could do more then 1 job. The men usually have done the hunting if they need to be defended firm other clans they would also do that. They also mostly negotiated with other clans. The women usually organized the people I think that's like what ever Jon someone does etc: and there did the preparation of the game that was hunted and planted and harvested crops.

An elder was someone who was recognized for having great wisdom and knowledge. Most elders are the elderly but in the odd case there can be some younger people. Man or woman it only mattered for their experience, mostly natural leaders. These people were greatly respected and many people seeked their counsel.


All the children in the community learn all the stuff they need to know from the other member from the community. They figure out what they want to do in the clan by just by wandering around asking anyone if they can teach them one of the skills there good at. Everyone was expected to know their tribes history, spiritual ideas and practical skills, like fire building and survival.

Justice and Conflict

Their justice system was more based around healing the person instead of punishment. When someone killed another then they would often speak to the elders so they could find out what part of the medicine wheel was out was out of balance so they could fix it. A couple of times they would send the person out into the wilderness either by themselves or wth an elder to help them find themselves to prevent it happening again. Stealing was mostly unheard of because everthing was shared instead of owned by a person. All of these decisions were made for the best outcome for the community. Murder was such a serious crime that it was seen as the responsibility of the whole community.


"Any individual within a culture is going to have his or her own personla interpretation of the collective cultural code; however, the individual's world view has its roots

In the old days we used to respect everything… This isn’t done today, that’s why we are lost.

The first peoples

In todays class we learned about the lifestyles of the first nations peoples and there justice and conflicts, extended families, clans, community size, elders, education, and gender roles

Justice and conflict system:
 everyone works towards the good of the community
everybody shares their stuff with each other, so there wasn't nearly as much theft as there is now
 people who people who committed a crime would often be in a rehabilitation system other then a punishment system

-the people offended were consoled by elders to make amends and restore harmony
-the event of a serious crime  was considered a responsibility of the whole community.
those who broke custom were seen as out of balance

elders: elders would be super respected out of the whole clan, the elders were known for there knowledge and wisdom
elders could've been men or women, old or young but most of all must have experience
elders were teachers

Extended Family's
       most communities were often made up of extended families that included children, grandparents, aunts, uncles and cousins.

Clans: a clan is considered a group of people who make a community or who exist within a larger

community. clans were usually  determined by common ancestry and Geography.
 depending on the group, you followed your moms or dads.

Gender roles: in the clans of the first nations the men and women, the women organized the people, prepared games for the clan, planted and harvested crops for the clan. The men hunted, defended groups, negotiated relationships

community size: community's were dependent on the availability of resources to ensure enough food, shelter and safety, the community sizes could change depending on the season ex)blackfoot nations lived in small groups in winter but joined in summer to hunt.

education: in the clans of the first nations teachings were holistic , mental, physical, emotional and spiritual well-being was taken into account.

Friday, September 29, 2017

In Today’s News !!

In today’s class we discussed the First Peoples and their relationships. We talked about their Leaders, Trade, Peace & Conflict & Haudenosaunee Confederacy/Grand Council. 

They did not just pick randomly as they were picked through various different ways dependant on their ability in certain areas. For example, they needed excellent hunting skills and strong negotiation skills. They were also picked depending on their family ties. However, leaders could change very often depending on the season it may be, if whomever had the powerful community confidence and if they had a good standing in their communities status! 

“A First Nations leader works with the people, rather than commanding or having power over them”. 
First Nation chiefs Traditional or Elected Roles and Responsibilities. Uploaded by; Indigenous Corporate Training INC, 2017. Available @:

We learned that trade is what brought together several First Nation Groups together. They would trade things that were accessible to them and that they had a lot of in return for goods that they may not have enough of or at all. These trades included items such as, canoes, arrowheads, silica & obsidian. Trades were often turned into social events that could include rituals such as, marriages, military alliances & ceremonies. Did you know that, the Forks has been a trading site for over 6000 years !!!!!! 

“The treaties and alliances between the Europeans and First Nations people in the 17th century show the mutual respect for each other's sovereignty, and recognize each other's right to maintain their own customs.” 

The Beginnings of the Fur Trade- First people of canada, uploaded by; anonymous, 2007. Available @; 

Peace & Conflict:
The alliances and friendships benefited all the people. For example, we learned that the Nehiyewak & Nakota peoples, hunting territory overlapped so they work together. Also some formal confederacies were created amongst several groups. These people would get together to trade in summers, marry and to hunt. Also treaties were used to maintain peace !!! War was only used for a last resort. 

Haudenosaunee Confederacy/Grand Council:
The Haudenosaunee was the earliest known peace treaty within the past 5 major Iroquois nations. This was established in 1142 and caused a stop to history of warfare alongside the Great Lakes Region. The Grand council had 50 chiefs who made the decisions and kept peace !!! As a matter of fact, the council still meets to this day!!!!! 

In the shoes of a first nations person

First Nations people were the first people to live in what is now known as Canada. They lived of the land and formed it into the country we all call home. Without there impacts Canada would have a much different then what it is. If the Europeans had come to this land, and it was empty all of us would just be a clone of their motherland. The First Nations gave the country culture and taught the Europeans  everything they know now. Both civilizations did many things for each other without the knowledge of the first nations they would never have been able to survive the long winters.  They taught them how to live off the land and use everything they could. In the end the Europeans began to ignore their first Nations peoples and do things her own way it will lead Canada to be very different than what it was destined to be.  For example running out the bison population. 

 The first nations  how do you work hard to keep their culture going in  this changing land.  With new people new techniques the first Nations stay true to their culture but still use them as an asset to such as trading.  They were not always even trade but it was always a good deal in the first nations mind.  They have things they never seen before such as forks and guns.  As more and more Europeans came and it became more colonized if you can cover for the first nations to  keep their land and hunting areas.  They slowly became pushed out of their land and religious areas. their sacred lands were or now infested with the British. With use of  peace treaties they did agree upon first nations la nds, so In a way they did not really win but at least were not pushed out of their land completely.

They did there best to stay true to what they are always done.  Using every part of each animal, teaching their kids respect,  not over hunting,  and most importantly their religion.  Each young child learning how to do their part in the community in whatever way they like.  They were never told they couldn't do something, as a boy you could do anything I'll girl can do. And as a girl you could do anything with the males can do.  Young sure there would wonder from  station to station and learn different crafts and  stations.  They can spend as much time as little time as they want each area.  There is no pressure to pursue any specific "job". Even with sticker older if they're tired of hunting they could put a clean and prepare animals. 

 In conclusion the first Nations peoples had a very different culture  then the new inhabitants of the land, new culture, new rituals, and new tools.  While we did the first nations would not have  developed as quickly as the dude with the help of the new people's, one might say they would've had a better life  without this colonization. 2013, Gathering of Nations PowWow , GIF image, tumblr, Sept 2017,

Aboriginal Social Structure

Social Structure

The Aboriginal peoples structured their communities into clans which are like a massive extended family. 


A clan is a group of people who live together because of their genetic heritage or what they believed was their ancestry animal or simply because of geographic location. The members of these clans can trace their heritage back to a male or female ancestor. Sometimes these clans would go to war with each other. Many clans actually have different roles within a community examples of these clans are as follows: The Sevens Clans are believed to be the predecessors to many clans  here are the seven original clans:
The Crane Clan: This clan is also referred to as the Outside Chiefs. Their role is to negotiate peace with outside communities.
The Loon Clan: This clan is referred to as the Inside Chiefs. Their role is to settle disputes and issues within their home community.
The Bar Clan: This clan's role is to protect the community. Their also known for having a short temper so their usually on the outskirts of a community. They also serve medicine people for their knowledge of using plants to treat illness and afflictions.
The Deer/Hoof Clan:  This clan's role is to oversee social aspects of a community such as ceremonies and celebrations.
The Bird Clan: This clan's role is the teachers and farmers
The Marten Clan: This clan's role is the warriors and builders.
The Bird Clan: This clan's role is the philosophers in a community and as advisors to clans Chiefs
I got this information from:Anishnaabeg

Extended families

A entire community was usually considered one big extended family. This would include Parents, Uncles/Aunties, Cousins and many more.

Thursday, September 28, 2017

In Todays News sept 21st

Todays News

Sept 21st

Today we talked about the social structures of first nations communities we talked about their extended families, clans, community size, gender roles, elders, education, justice and conflicts.

Extended families

They had their whole families children grandparents aunts and uncles and their cousins they all worked together to survive.


These clans all shared a common ancestor or banded together because of geography sometimes these clans followed their paternal line or maternal line.

Community size

Their community sizes were based on how many resources they had. This sometimes changed during seasons, in summer they would band together and work together to hunt bison. during the winter they would splinter into smaller groups so that the land could sustain them.

Gender Roles

In their communities women would traditionally organize who did what. They also prepared the game the men brought back they would plant and harvest crops.
Men would traditionally hunt for food in large groups and would defend their tribes. The men would handle most diplomatic functions for their tribe.
Although these roles were really flexible they mostly stayed in the traditional roles.


An elder was someone who was recognized for having great wisdom and knowledge. An elder did not have to be Elderly but mostly they were . Man or woman it only mattered for their experience, mostly natural leaders. These people were greatly respected and many people seeked their counsel.


Children learned by doing things in the community and the education was very informal. It was more just a kid wandered around and tried many different things like cooking and if they didnt like it then they would go and try something else. Everyone was expected to know their tribes history, spiritual ideas and practical skills, like fire building and survival.

Justice and Conflict

Their justice system was more based around rehabilitation instead of punishment. When someone killed another then they would often speak to the elders so they could determine what part of their being was out of balance. Sometimes those that killed were sent to solitary to think on why they killed. Stealing was mostly unheard of because everthing was shared instead of owned by a person. All of these decisions were made for the best outcome for the community. Murder was such a serious crime that it was seen as the responsibility of the whole community.

These websites have some good info

The beginning of this website is good

Friday, September 22, 2017

In Today's News!

          Today in class we discussed the first people and their social structure. We talked about how our community is organized, and what some of the written and un written laws/practices are. Then we talked about how the community was organized.

          The first one we talked about was extended families (a family that includes in one household near relatives such as grandparents, aunts, or uncles in addition to a nuclear family) within a community. Communities were made up of many different kinds of extended families but the most occurring one includes; a child, grandparents, aunties and uncles, as well as cousins. 
          The next area we talked about was clans. A clan is considered as a group of people who make up a community or who exist inside of a larger community. A clan is mostly determined by common ancestry, like if you share the same ancestors, or geography so if you live in the same area. 
          Next was the community size. This is dependent upon the availability of resources to make sure that you have enough food, shelter, safety, etc. If you have a lot of resources within your community the bigger it is and the faster it will grow. The amount and availability of resources may rely on the seasons and climate of your area. An example of this is many Blackfoot nations lived in small clans in the winter but joined together as a large group to hunt bison in the summer. 
          The next factor that we talked about was gender roles. Women organized, prepared games, as well as planted and harvested crops. The men within the community hunted, defended the group, and negotiated relationships with other groups. Roles within the community were quite flexible, and everyone's contribution to helping the community was accepted, regardless of the traditions. 
          The next big factor within a community was elders. An elder is someone who is recognized for having a lot of knowledge and wisdom. An elder can be anyone, man or women, young or old, but they must have experience. They are leaders who teach through examples, and they are turned to lots for help and guidance and are respected greatly. 
          Next was education, in a community children learned by doing and were taught by their whole community. Everyone was expected to know their history, spiritual ideals, and all the practical skills.  The education within the first people was meant to guide children, not to intimidate them and control them. Everyone in the community was free to make their own choices as well as learn from their mistakes. The teachings themselves were holistic, meaning relating to or concerned with wholes or with complete systems rather than with the analysis of, treatment of, or dissection into parts. The mental, physical, emotional, and spiritual well being of the people was all being taken into consideration. 
         Lastly we discussed justice and conflicts, everyone within the group worked towards the good of the community. Everything was shared within the community, and by doing this it kept theft to a minimum. The people that broke the customs of the group were seen as un balanced, and were counseled by elders to make amends and restore the harmony within the group.


Definition of Holistic.(2017). Uploaded by Merriam-Webster, Incorporated. Website available online at

Definition of Extended Families.(2017). Uploaded by Merriam-Webster, Incorporated. Website available online at

This reminds of me of -tyrone

The difference between primary and secondary sources is the lack or the support of evidence at the time it mainly relies if the sources are correct and appropriate for that time. like say a letter from the explorers to the court of Britain explaining their findings and gains this would be a primary source and a great reference. while a secondary source could be a newspaper after the event or even a reference about the event if it wasn't truly from the time or event it is not a primary source.

this process reminds me of say compare a live interview of a accident or event to a later summary of the same event. which further pushes towards the requirements of the supporting event at the time and how it cant just be a later rerun or say a newspaper reporting it at a later time it lacks the sources to be a primary source. Without the support of the sources anything is either a secondary source or not even a source to begin with. If you attempted to write say a research paper and you only reference secondary sources or other people research on the same topic there is a high chance that they will slash your marks heavily. 
So all in all the differences are the support and relation to the time or event. the impact and dates also play a key role in the classification of these source types.

Thursday, September 21, 2017

In Today's News

  Today we talked about social structures and what they all entail. Social structures are written or unwritten laws and practices that a group people who relate or have the same ideas to follow. They use the ideas to hold the group together. The people involved look towards the elders for their knowledge and wisdom. This can be a person of either genders and any age but must have experience to be considered an elder. They would pick the person because “they relayed on other kindness and less about him/herself.”(2) This person is normally a natural leader and is greatly respected by the people of the community and others around them. They would be the ones “when food was scarce they would make the decision to split into smaller groups and go separate ways.” (2) Then you have the communities which are normally extended families or clans of common ancestry (human and animal) or geography. Your group would be determined by your moms (maternal) or fathers (paternal) ancestry.  The size of the community would depend on resources, and season.  The roles in the communities were very flexible. Women normally took care of crops and harvest, organizing everyone and preparing game. If a boy wanted to know any of these he would be tonight just like everyone else who wanted to learn. Then the men took care of defending the group, hunting and talking to other groups in making negotiations.

   The eduction in the communities taught to the children is for them to learn by doing and being helped by the entire community. The people of the community are expected to know the history, spiritual requirements, and important skills. The education was taught in a way that everyone would learn from their mistakes or make their own choices on how they learn best. They were taught in a way that there well- being was a big part. If they were mentally, physically, emotionally, or spiritually unwell they would find a way to fix it so they can learn better. Next we learned about the justice and conflicts and how it was handled. The entire community had to work together to make the best decision and what would be the best for the situation they were in. Whoever broke the requirements of the community was considered to be out balance in one of the four areas of their well-being. Individuals who were accused were counselled by the elders to bring back harmony to their well-being. If their offensive was serious it was brought in front of the entire community. They could be have to be under supervision, need guidance or put in isolation for a certain amount of time.

1) social structure/ leadership (2007). Uploaded by Canada’s First Peoples

2) social structures/ leaderships Eastern woodlands (2007). Uploaded by Canada’s First Peoples

Monday, September 18, 2017

In Today's News.

In today's class we learnt about the First Peoples Territories. We learnt about the 6 Cultural regions that the First People lived in, and the languages that they spoke. We also further explored these topics but with information pertaining specifically to Manitoba. In class we mapped the 6 cultural areas on a map of Canada, as well as mapping the cultural areas and language groups of Manitoba (pictured below).

Cultural Areas
The 6 different cultural areas of Canada are:
  • Arctic
  • Subarctic- Western and Eastern
  • Northwest Coast
  • Plateau
  • Great Plains/Prairies
  • Woodlands
The geography of each region greatly influenced the way way people in that area lived. It effected things such as clothing, food sources and housing. The people who lived within similar regions shared the ways they would take care of each of these elements, and these methods varied from region to region. 

Before European explorers came to Canada, there were approximately 50 major languages with 12 distinct language families and a countless amount of dialects. These languages play a very key role in culture, in that:
  • complex thoughts cannot exist without language
  • verbal communications help to create and maintain bonds between living things
  • without language it would be very difficult to portray opinions/ideas
"Language is the expression of our culture and our land. We cannot have one without the others. We cannot describe our culture and our land if we do not have language." 

Even though language plays such a key role in our culture, sadly 94% of Canadian indigenous languages are at risk of becoming extinct. 

"If you want to learn your Language, you have to use it!"

Manitoba Specific
The different cultural areas that cover Manitoba are:
  • Subarctic- East and West
  • Great Plains/Prairies 
  • Woodlands
The different language groups that are within Manitoba are:
  • Dene
  • Cree
  • Dakota
  • Oji-Cree
  • Ojibwe/Ojibway


First quote:
Importance of Indigenous Languages.(2006). Uploaded by,Queensland Indigenous Languages Advisory Committee. Available online at:

Second Quote:
Plains Cree Elders Quotes.(unknown). Uploaded by, Freda Ahenakew, Muskeg Lake First Nations. Available online at:

Friday, September 15, 2017

In today’s news-rock

September 21st, 2017

Today we talked about the social structures of First Nation people and there community’s we also learned about  justice and conflicts, extended families, clans, community size, elders, education, and gender roles. 

Justice and conflicts 

The First Nations justice system is a lot different then are’s today, unlike are’s it’s more baced on rehab instead of punishment. If some one committed a murder it was the community’s responsibility and they would think of the best outcome for the community, and the person that committed the murder would speak to the elders to see what is out of balance in the wheel, then the person might into the wilderness rather by him self of with a elder. 


an elder was a respected person with great knowledge. they didn't need to be elderly but most of them were. these people were highly respected and many people wanted their counseling.

children learned by doing things in the community and the education was very informal. it was more just a kid wondering around and trying different thing like hunting and if they didn't they could do something they liked.

gender roles

in the community the men would usually hunt for food in big groups and they would also defend there tribes. the men would also do most business for there tribe. the women would traditionally organize jobs they also prepared the game the men brought back and they would also plaint crops    

community size

there community size was based on the resource they had this usually changed in winter time. in the summer they would come together to hunt bison and in the winter they would go in to smaller groups


these clans all shared a common ancestor or banded together because of geography sometimes theses clans fallowed their paternal line 

extended families

every one in a family would live together aunts uncles grandparents cousins and they all worked together.

"Native theology works in a different way. There is no heaven, there is no hell, there's just a circle. The circle of life and death that interconnect, and that when we pass away, we leave this planet, we don't go up or down.  We stay [in] another part of the circle." --Tomson Highway, musician, storyteller, eternal optimist

“We were not perfect, but we had no jails, we had no taxes…no wine and no beer, no old peoples’ homes, no children’s aid society, we had no crisis centres. We had a philosophy of life based on the Creator. We had our humanity.”

Thursday, September 14, 2017

In Today's News

Today in class we learnt about the first people's in Canada's social Structure. We did notes. Are note started out by saying how a group of people relate to one another and it can be based on written and in written laws and practices. People need to share the same ideas about roles for the group to hold together. After those notes we watched two videos one about a First Nations elder and the second about the seven teachings. 
Here are the links for the videos:
After these videos we did more notes, are next notes were about extended families and clans. We learnt about community size and different gender roles. Relating to the elder videos we did notes about elders. The education was also different back then. The last thing we learnt about these notes in social structure was justice and conflicts. The end.