Saturday, September 30, 2017

The first peoples

In todays class we learned about the lifestyles of the first nations peoples and there justice and conflicts, extended families, clans, community size, elders, education, and gender roles

Justice and conflict system:
 everyone works towards the good of the community
everybody shares their stuff with each other, so there wasn't nearly as much theft as there is now
 people who people who committed a crime would often be in a rehabilitation system other then a punishment system

-the people offended were consoled by elders to make amends and restore harmony
-the event of a serious crime  was considered a responsibility of the whole community.
those who broke custom were seen as out of balance

elders: elders would be super respected out of the whole clan, the elders were known for there knowledge and wisdom
elders could've been men or women, old or young but most of all must have experience
elders were teachers

Extended Family's
       most communities were often made up of extended families that included children, grandparents, aunts, uncles and cousins.

Clans: a clan is considered a group of people who make a community or who exist within a larger

community. clans were usually  determined by common ancestry and Geography.
 depending on the group, you followed your moms or dads.

Gender roles: in the clans of the first nations the men and women, the women organized the people, prepared games for the clan, planted and harvested crops for the clan. The men hunted, defended groups, negotiated relationships

community size: community's were dependent on the availability of resources to ensure enough food, shelter and safety, the community sizes could change depending on the season ex)blackfoot nations lived in small groups in winter but joined in summer to hunt.

education: in the clans of the first nations teachings were holistic , mental, physical, emotional and spiritual well-being was taken into account.

1 comment:

  1. Hey Riley, I liked how you explained all the aspects of the life of the first nations peoples. But there are some thing that I feel like you could've added in your blog. For starters you were missing a link to the websites where you could've gotten some of your information on, and you also could've put a picture in your blog. If you have done these things you probably would've gotten a few extra marks on this. How did they solve there crimes?. you could've put that they went into counseling and in extreme cases they would be dropped of on n island or a secluded place with only them and maybe an elder or two. they also could be sent to another community and talk to the elder there. you could've stated that the men and women's roles weren't set in stone and they all could do the same jobs as everyone else its jut that majority f the men and women do the jobs that you listed. For my last point on what you could've added more to the educations that they got yes it was holistic but you said that any kid could become what they wanted and they were taught first hand about that job that they might want to do, and they could've changed there job whenever they want if there like bored of it or no good at it. For what I liked about your blog, you listed all of your points very well and there isn't much that I could add to them besides the ones that I have already said above.


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