Saturday, December 30, 2017

Founder of Manitoba and Louis Riel

         Today I am talking about the Manitoba Act of May 12, 1870.
The Manitoba Act was created the newly formed Dominion of Canada bought Rupert’s Land from the HBC(Hudson Bay Company) without consultation to the Métis residents already living there, this resulted in the residents forcing federal land surveyors by gun point off their land.

         Louis Riel and John Bruce among others formed the National Committee of the Métis which acted as the governing body of the region. Negotiations took place where the region agreed to join Canada under these conditions:

-Manitoba would be a province not a territory.
-Church-run schools
-Manitoba legislature and courts would need to be bilingual.
-Métis children would have land in Rupert’s Land.
-As of 1870 all residents owning/occupying would keep their right to the land.

One man whose true identity has remained controversial is Louis Riel. Some refer him as a hero and some call him a traitor. Even our own conversations in class ask the question was he a hero or a traitor, well it all depends on your background if your Métis you call him a hero to his people while the federal government called him a war criminal.
The actions that lead to this title was the ordered execution of Thomas Scott in his first armed rebellion the Red River Rebellion of 1869-1870 leading to his departure to the U.S to escape prosecution. He was elected to the House of Commons but he declined. His next rebellion lead to his arrest and charged with high-treason. Is he a hero? Or a religious fanatic it is still a subject of debate to this day.

Quotes from Louis Riel found on:

Louis Riel(1844-1885) Founder of Mantioba

I am glad the Crown have proved that I am the leader of the half-breeds in the Northwest. I will perhaps be one day acknowledged as more than a leader of the half-breeds, and if I am, I will have an opportunity of being acknowledged as a leader of good in this great country.

Louis Riel (March 1885)
  During these different phases of strain, the Metis nation has never, for anything in the world, abandoned its leaders, who were no doubt devoted, but were subjected by a treacherous government, to all sorts of humiliation and misery. God will reward it for its loyalty and constancy. In spite of failures, the Metis cause grows incessantly...

In 1869-70 they wanted to steal our land... Since the transfer, up till the arrests of 73, they have betrayed us...
Online at: Louis Riel image
Wikipedia last edited December 27 2017 at 22:07


  1. Hey Dustin I'm basically going to start this blog comment off the same way I start every other comment, so I really thought you did a really good job on this blog, I feel like you put a lot of work into this blog because it sure looks like it and I respect that. I really hope you get a good mark on your blog cause it seems like you will. I actually want to thank you because commenting on this because this blog gave me something to do while I was waiting to go to work, I really think you gave me a lot of information that will help me on the exam that's coming up really soon, I like how you put really good and descriptive information into saying what negotiations went down between the region and Canada like the church-run school and like how Manitoba would be a province not a territory. I really like how you provided two quotes from Louis Riel in your blog I feel like they were a great add on to your blog.

    I think you could've used more links in your blog telling more about louis riel, I think you also could've used more information on what louis riels life coming up to his accomplishments with Manitoba so I've got some links that you could use instead I feel like they have a lot of good information

    So Dustin this comment comes to and end and I know it’s a sad time but you'll see me again soon enough on this website I promise you that, I really enjoyed commenting on this blog but I do think you couldve added more information to help this blog get more information about louis riels life. Enjoy your life as a history student :)

  2. Hi Dustin, another great blog you got here, lots of great information. I always find your blogs have great content and ideas. All though I did find that you jumped around a bit in this blog. One second you are having the government buying Rupert's land, the next the Manitoba act is being signed. I would have liked to see the Red River Rebellion discussed before the signing of the act, not after. That was a big factor in Louis Riel's life. I felt it could've been covered a little more. Also the North-west rebellion, that was not covered well.

    Personally I view Louis Riel as a hero. With all he did for the province of Manitoba. We would possible not have the same rights if he didn't push as hard as he did. Not everyone would have tried as hard as he did. To punish him for the one man he had executed is slightly hypocritical because many men have gone unpunished for the same crime. Obviously I have a Manitoban point of view on the situation, so I may be slightly bias, but that is still my opinion on the matter.

    I like that you included the quotes so that you can really get a feel for his opinion and thoughts. They were a good addition. I would say my main issue with the post is that it touched on a quite a few events, but not giving more then a sentence or two on them. Especially the last paragraph, it jumped around a lot. I'm out *mic drop*

  3. Great blog! It was filled with lots of good information. I am very informed on the topic. I did notice that you jumped around a little bit throughout the entire blog. Which made it very difficult to fully understand the topic. I had to reread some of the sentences to fully see what you were talking about. You're on once topic one minute and a different one the next, very hard to read. If you were to talk more about his life and bigger factors the blog may have been a little more interesting. Also if you focused more one topic instead of bouncing around with two the blog would have been easier to read. I would have liked to see a more personal response to if he was a hear or traitor. I believe he is a hero for everything he did in Manitoba for the Metis. We would not have the rights we have today. For the government to punish the way they did was not right, he helped everyone and made it easier for everyone. If only they could see life now from what he accomplished maybe then they wouldn't have punished him the way they did. This is just my opinion based of what I know. It would have been nice to see you add personal quotes to get his actual thoughts sand feelings on the issue.

  4. Hey Dustin I think you did a pretty good job on your blog for this month, those you were all over the place with explaining everything and it would've been better if you added more information to fill all of the gaps in your blog. Despite the fact your information was good there were just some gaps and ill give you some ideas that you could've added into this blog. for starters on of the main points are that Louis riel wasn't the leader of the metis he just did all of there negotiation because he was bilingual. Another fairly important point in my opinion is that you didn't mention anything about how the Manitoba act affected the first nations people at that time and in the future. Another fairly good point to add is that what aspects of the Manitoba act where fallowed and still are around to this day and what aspects were not. But other than that there isn't to much that I can think of on what you should've added. Now for what I liked about your blog, first off the information you had was pretty good. Probably my favorite part f your blog where you quotes I though that they were really god. I would've lied to see your opinion on weather you viewed him as a traitor or a hero personally I believe that he was a hero for all that he did for the metis people and for Manitoba. My final point is that you could've added some detail about Louis riel himself and about his life, and this concludes my blog

  5. Hello dustin I really enjoyed your blog, I found it had a lot of good information. it was a great informative read. I found it nicely spaced out and easy to read. I like how you added Louis riels quotes and an imagine. Where did you find this quotes I think I can use those for some of my assignments. it also made your blog a lot better. you had very good information about his accomplishments, what I did realize is that you didn't really talk about Louis riels upcoming and information about his life before he came a big help in manitoba and the metis culture. if you want more information about louis riel here is a good link, riley recommended it to me and I would also recommend it to you. check it out. I feel like it could improve your work and blogs.

    This is the link I was talking about. I used it for work before and it really helped me out so it should help you. I feel like if you talked about your opinion on if he was a good guy or a bad guy for the country and for the people that would have made the blog a lot more interesting. but other then that I found this is a very well wrote and Informative blog, I found it a lot better then something I would have wrote. anyways thanks for the very good blog with helpful information. have a good day dood.



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