Tuesday, October 24, 2017

All about Radisson and his historical significance

Pierre Esprit Radisson

Radisson’s historical significance is huge, together Radisson and Médard Des Groseilliers built the Hudson’s Bay Company and effectively began the fur trade.

Radisson is of French background. Although the place of birth is not 100% sure, archeologist suggest he was likely born 1636-1640 in either Avigon or Paris. He died in 1710 in London England.

Radisson’s biggest challenge was the fact the French crown refused to fund their expedition forcing him and Des Groseilliers to go to the British to fund their expedition. Their plan was a success they received a charter by King Charles 2 of England and their expedition paid by Prince Rupert of Rhine.

Although Radisson never made it to North America. Des Groseilliers made it to the Hudson’s Bay and later all land draining into the Hudson’s Bay was officially named Rupert’s Land and thus the HBC was born giving the company a monopoly.

So in short Radisson and Des Groseilliers are one of the most important explorers, their actions built what we call Canada, opening the way for rest of the explorers to come in and map most of Canada.


page last edited on September 20 2017 at 19:19
by Wikimedia commons.

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