Saturday, October 28, 2017

In another persons shoes: Jacques cartier

Jacques Cartier is a french explorer who is known for exploring the St Lawrence river aswell as giving Canada it’s name

On April 20th, 1534 Jacques Cartier went with 2 ships, 61 men and arrived in 20 days.  He explored the sect coast of Newfoundland, discovered Prince Edward Island and sailed through the Gulf of St. Lawrence.

On his second voyage he was sent back with three ships and 110 men, Cartier had previously captured two indians who served as their guides and he and his men navigated as far as Québec and established a base. In September Cartier sailed downriver to what is now known as Montreal, and was welcomed by the Iroquois who controlled the area. The Iroquois told Cartier and his men that there were rivers that led farther west where copper, gold,  silver and other spices could be found, but before they could continue the harsh winter came in. The rapids made the rivers impassible and Cartier and his men managed to anger the Iroquois. Cartier waited until spring to return and captured some of the Iroquois chiefs before returning to France.

Cartier’s third voyage was in May of 1541, he departed with 5 ships, he was sent to establish a permanent settlement along the St Lawrence river on behalf of France. They had set up camp in Quebec again and found an abundance of what they thought was gold and diamonds, Cartier abandoned the base and sailed back for france, en route he stopped in Newfoundland where they encountered the colonists, who ordered Cartier back to Quebec. Cartier has other plans and instead of heading back to Quebec he snuck away and went back to France during the night. When he arrived in france he found out that his “diamonds” and “gold” were found to be worthless, and the colonists abandoned plans to find a settlement after experiencing their first bitter winter. France didn’t show any iteration for many years to come and Cartier’s career as an explorer cane to an end. He was credited with the exploration of the St Lawrence river but his reputation was bad by his dealings with the Iroquois and abandonment of the new coming colonists as he fled the New World.


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